Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 30 Apple 2, and 3

11:15 am

Day 30 Apple 2, and 3

I was so excited to finish the apples I ate the last two apples at the same time. Before I say what the weight lose was I want to say this diet was a life changing 30 days. It changed so many things about my daily life.

1. Decreased the amount of food I eat.
2. Encouraged me to be healthy on daily basis.
3. Encouraged me to be healthy on a long term basis.

Over the course of this diet I lost 8.5 lbs, I also lost 2 inches off of my waist. None of my pants fit me any longer and I had to buy a new belt. This was a long 30 days and a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. It was one of the best things I have ever done in my life. I may have not lost the 10 lbs in the original challenge, but almost did and I lost size. It has also changed my life in a multitude of ways and can only thank the person who challenged me to this. Thanks OL!


  1. You are the man!

    The 327 "hits" suggest that a lot of folks have been following your progress. I never thought you'd finish. If I had to count the number of people I know who could pull this off, I'd have to stop with one finger. Congratulations!!

    I'll be making a presentation soon (well, I have leave coming up, so maybe not so soon) during your ITB, so stand by. Meanwhile, please continue to pursue healthy choices.

    Again -- congrats, Matt. 8.5 pounds in a month is awesome! Hang in!


    1. Try 60 pounds in one month with just eating an apple for bf, an apple salad with walnuts from mcdonalds for lunch or maybe apples in vinegar or how ever you like it apple salads, apple sauce for snacks apple juice and the G power aid and drinking lots and fluids everyday for 30 days including exercising u lose the weight so rapidly exercising is good for the loose skin

  2. Hey,
    I just stumbled over your blog and found that very interesting as I myself since a ong time try to eat a lot of apples. Sometimes I eat two a day, most times though none.

    What I wanted to say is: I just read the first 5 entries and than it became boring, I was more interested in your diet, than in where you got all your apples from.

    Good job by you though for doing it and writing this blog. How is your diet now? You still eat an apple every other day?
