Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 2 Apple 1

6:30 am

Day 2 Apple 1

Last night after work I stopped by Walmart to get some different kinds of apples and I stumbled across a Pink Lady Apple. It's similar to a Granny Smith but slightly sweeter. It was a real good apple, again it was all I had for breakfast. Like most of the apples I will have in the next thirty days I had never heard of a Pink Lady Apple. I also got a Jonagold, which will be for lunch, and a Jazz Apple. Tomorrow after work we will go to Central Market and see what we can find. With help from a friend and coworker I was able to find a Semi-local orchard which has thirty different kinds of apples. It is in Lubbock, TX though so I would have to have them shipped.

1 comment:

  1. You're gonna blog about each apple? That's awesome! Don't forget to drink lots of water and to take a multi-vitamin. And eat other stuff besides apples. -OL
